Gobbler LTD

Driven by Nature©

The Global Solution to Covid-19

Welcome to Gobbler Medical®, a division of Gobbler Ltd® dedicated to eradicating Covid-19, getting the world back to work, children back to school, economies saved, jobs secured, lives back to normal and above all avoiding recession.


As time passes, with many more vaccines coming onto the market, there is more data coming to light about how effective they are for protecting people from the Covid-19 virus and its many variants and mutations. Again, there are dozens of tests appearing on the scene with fictitious claims, many with so-called “emergency FDA or CE” certification. Beware, see; https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/safety-communications/stop-using-innova-sars-cov-2-antigen-rapid-qualitative-test-fda-safety-communication. You can guess where it’s made?

As is happening on a global scale, cheap sub-standard tests swamping the market are costing lives. YOU could be next?
Bottom line you get what you pay for! The solution, “Buy from Gobbler, pay only once, save time and save your life”.

Gobbler Medical Ltd regularly checks manufacturer updates relating to our highest rated, fully certified products to keep everybody safe. Although a huge advance, Vaccinations are NOT the “be-all-and-end-all” of solving Covid-19 as is often claimed, they are but a temporary fix until time proven. Some are low as 3% efficient, useless, and when combined with substandard tests, the outcome is predictable….. the disease continues to spread. (Ref Chile).

The LATEST directive from our manufacturer R&D reads;
“Vaccination is reducing the risk of the vaccinated person to suffer from COVID-19 and especially the risk of developing life threatening symptoms, but none of the vaccines has an efficiency of 100%. Thus vaccinated persons can also get infected and in a worst case scenario, can even die from SARS-CoV-2 infection, even though the risk might be low. But what is for sure: a vaccinated person tested positive is a spreader and as such is a risk for others! So a positive antigen test always has to be a FAIL, no matter whether vaccinated or not”.

The only sure way is to accurately separate the infected from the healthy, to prevent the spread.

Video is a slowed animation, mirror image of ½ system, please see Documents page Flow-Through for more info.

  • Test Specificity 100%, Sensitivity 99.8%, relative accuracy 99.9%.
  • HUB comes with 10 modules, (12 with 2 x optional extras). Flow through is dictated by set-up configuration.
  • 1 supervisor per module doing 2 tests per minute x 10 = 20 tests per minute x 60 mins = 1,200 per hour.
  • 2 supervisors per module doing 4 tests per minute x 10 = 40 tests per minute x 60 mins = 2,400 per hour
  • Up to Max 4 supervisors per module can be accommodated
  • 2 x Extra modules can add to standard flow-through pro-rata, or used for disabled people who move slower.

Gobbler Medical and Gobbler Ltd are now Registered Providers of Services to UN and WHO.

Following the affordable, efficient and space-saving upgrade to our Eco-Mass Testing HUBS, the introduction of multi-Modular plug-ins has increased testing capacity 12 fold per unit. Now a major contributor to controlling the Virus, the complete system will be offered to the UN and WHO. The isolated millions in poorer countries can now be reached and treated as never before using Gold Standard tests and quality PPE. Together with access to inhospitable regions, mobility and speed is the key to World recovery. Our go-anywhere, self-contained, climate controlled, fully automatic HUBS are the answer for successful and rapid elimination of the Global Pandemic.

Need help yourself ?…. Please use “contact us” emails.

“Our Gold Standard LFD tests are now authorised by Health Authorities in the EC to be self-administered by supervised individuals. The new directive massively speeds flow-through when used with Gobbler Mass Testing HUBS.”



Gobbler® Medical Ltd, Sister to Gobbler® Ltd, part of the Gobbler Group, Driven by Nature®
Now available, latest EC manufactured, 100% accurate, simple to use, self-administered Rapid Tests.
Top Medical reviews for MASS TESTING and low affordable prices, gets your testing done fast and efficiently.
Now available, QR Codes to match any Client Data system. Please provide your data system details when ordering.
QR Logic is client provided, an excess of 1,000-1,500 per order required as a safeguard to eliminate delays.
Save time and money… No extra cost for QR coded tests. Don’t have an APP? Our APP is optional, your input can be loaded…. Please ask.

Guaranteed highest worldwide accuracy. In use by 14+ EC Governments and Health Authorities.
Detects all Variants and Mutations, includes the latest Indian “Delta” Variants. Detects Asymptomatic carriers and lowest Viral Loads that others miss.
Save time and money, Expensive, long-wait RT-PCR tests not needed. GET TESTED, Stay Safe! Affordable prices to keep travel and overall costs to a minimum.
If you’re NEGATIVE, to avoid contagion, get vaccinated straight away!

  • ALL quantities. Availability multi-millions per week.
  • Price reductions for MOQ’s.
  • Ideal for Individuals, Airlines, Cruise companies, Factories, Hospitals, Travel Groups, Hospitality sector.
  • Use anywhere, any time when a fast, 100% accurate test is needed. Prevent viral transmission.
  • JV’s welcome, please ask. Guaranteed prices, supplies, quality, accuracy and results.
  • Please see www.gobblermedical.com/documents page for Certifications and instructions.

Also available; Low cost MOQ’s for Mass testing. Free-of-Charge Mass testing equipment with every MOQ order. Please see website for details. QR codes included. We need your data system details at time of ordering. Accurately test up to 220,000 people per 24 hours. Includes on-site training worldwide by arrangement.

to start with… who are you?

Government or Health Authority • Large or Small Manufacturer • Shopping Centre Owner/Operator • Airline • Airport • Cruise Ship Company • Hospitality Group • Hotel Chain • Holiday Complex • Caribbean, Pacific or Indian Ocean Holiday Venue • Football Club • Events Manager • Theatre Group • Head Teacher who wants to get your students back to School/University • Care Home • National or International


Care Home

Cruise Ship Company

Holiday Complex

School or University

Shopping Centre

Theatre Group

Gobbler Medical state: The SARS-CoV-2 antigen and antibody Gold Standard tests supplied as the diagnostic component of this system are successfully used by Healthcare Professionals and Government Authorities in 14 European countries, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and others.


Decl_SARS-CoV-2 Ag-Mutation


Whatever you do, or wherever you are, it’s likely you’re struggling to combat COVID-19, your business has dried up or closed down and you need help!

You struggle paying your rent, and you’re in danger of collapse and imminent bankruptcy.
You’re hemorrhaging money daily. You need to get your employees back to work… safely.
You need to keep your premises / factory disease free with Mass Testing.
You need an answer to this problem urgently, but to date it’s not forthcoming… CORRECT?

TO ALL AIRPORTS and AIRLINES. With Global transmission of Covid-19, Gobbler Medical offers the unique (Patented) Mass Testing system for 1,000’s of passengers per hour with 100% accuracy. Mass results within 15 minutes of passenger sampling fill seats rapidly. Certified Gold Standard Antigen test detects all Variants, Mutations and Low Viral loads of Asymptomatic carriers. Borderlines fail. ACT NOW, Fly FULL, Fly CLEAN, Complete system (£85k) is FOC with every MOQ of 300,000 tests, use for each end of every route. Dual Antigen/Antibody optional. Rollover ordering (Contract) guarantees supplies. Optional APP for client data retention. Interfaces to Track and Trace.

YOU need to contact us NOW, the simple, efficient, affordable and practical answer is RIGHT HERE.

The solutions on offer are designed to help YOU, to put you back in the driving seat where you belong, to get your Country / Company up and running with the support you need, and major opportunities that are FREE.